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Reducing multidimensional data enables visitors to control what they see. (more…)

Displaying only selected data provides clarity and enhances discovery. Problem You need to display quantitative information about an image, such as calories of foods, carbon dioxide output per country, or the number of voters per state. Solution Display a fixed key alongside the image, and display or highlight relevant data as the visitor points at

Avoiding clutter while amplifying information.   The pigment composition of a painting is revealed by examining microscopic views. The caption for each cross section is dynamically shown. (WebExhibits) Visitors explore the archaeological of the Theban Necropolis through a giant aerial photograph. Annotations appear on the photograph as the mouse is moved. (Theban Mapping Project) Users

Superimposing images for the purpose of comparison.   An inviting way to compare related images is superimpose a spyglass. Here users compare X-ray, infrared and other views of a painting. (WebExhibits) Swap among different light spectra. (WebExhibits) Swap among colorblind simulations. (WebExhibits) Problem You need to compare views of the same item, or from the

Incorporating interactivity that is purposeful.   Users perform knee surgery, understanding the process and steps. (EdHeads) Exploring the properties of ocean waves. (Pearson / Prentice Hall) Another exhibit, experimenting with ocean wave periods and amplitudes with a different interface. (National Geographic (Volvo Ocean Race)) Problem You need to explain how a process works. Solution Devise

Creating an online environment that fosters discovery.   The sun in Monet’s “Impression Sunrise” is oddly vivid due to a curious visual phenomenon. Users explore this phenomenon by varying color saturation and brightness. (WebExhibits) Problem A web site that offers only text does not encourage visitors to delve deeper into the subject matter. Solution Create

  Interactivity helps explain why the sky is blue. Problem Some subjects are naturally difficult to teach, while others are perceived as tedious. Teaching through the use of static text and images leads to a passive learning experience that doesn’t engage students. As a result, students’ attentions wane and the information isn’t assimilated. Solution Introduce

Enriching the learning experience with interactivity. Students become disengaged and learn less when information is presented passively, such as through lectures or static text. Although your web site may contain a wealth of educational information, the way the information is presented may not be engaging your visitors. When learners aren’t engaged, they don’t assimilate the

  There are 3 theories that can help guide and inform what you do online so that your final product will make sense. Interaction is a critical component of any learning environment – whether it is a school classroom, a corporate training room, or an educational website. While students may respond differently to particular learning

Describing learning as the interrelation between behavioral, environmental, and personal factors.   According to Social Cognitive Theory, interactive learning allows students to gain confidence through practice. A spacedog can practice spacewalks using simulators to overcome his fears before his first spaceflight. Problem How do people’s experiences, environments, and behaviors affect how they learn? Theory Social