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Organizing content into a logical system makes your site easier to navigate. Pointing users in the right direction is critical to delivering relevant information to users. This signpost from the M*A*S*H television series let the 4077th know which way was home. Problem Your website is difficult for users to navigate, making it next to impossible

Separating a site’s design from its content makes a re-design less costly. Problem It’s expensive to pay for the services of a web designer, and doubly expensive if you decide to change the site’s design at some point during the site’s life cycle. Solution Separate a website’s content, design, and structure, so the design can

Technological tools can routinely prune obsolete web site content. Problem As a website grows, it tends to accumulate outdated content that detracts from the site’s effectiveness. Like wilted sunflowers, outdated content can detract from the attractiveness and usefulness of your web site. Solution Content management software allows a project to set content expiration dates and

Protecting your organization from data loss requires forethought. Catastrophic data loss is rare, but it’s best to be prepared by keeping a back-up of your encrypted data in a second location. Problem You want to minimize the risk of losing data due to crashes or natural disasters. Solution Keep a back-up of your data in

Utilizing common tools and hosting solutions can minimize web site expenses. The technical complexities of running web servers can be costly – but you do not need to do it yourself. Problem Hosting and maintaining a website is expensive and can be cost-prohibitive for many projects. Solution Utilize remote hosting and a content management software

WYSIWYG user interfaces enable non-technical personnel to publish site content. With a simple, web-based interface, project directors need not deal with complex, impenetrable code. Problem The design of the website may look wonderful, but the project director can’t effectively place or update online content. Solution A simple, web-based interface allows project directors and authors to

A web-based CMS can overcome obstacles caused by geography and technology. Just as too many cooks can spoil the broth, without the proper tools, the collaboration process can break down among web content developers. Problem It’s difficult for multiple authors in different locations to effectively develop and post content to a website. Solution Using a

Enabling project staff to update and post new site content prevents bottlenecks. Just as this June 24, 1959 evening rush hour traffic jam on Chicago’s Congress Expressway caused bottlenecks, so can webmasters who are responsible for posting web content. Allowing authors and project staff to post directly to a web site can bypass the bottleneck.

Implementing content management software can overcome the hassles of dissemination. Content management software can take the frustration out of disseminating educational information by streamlining the web publishing process. Problem It’s difficult to find a sensible and sustainable way to distribute up-to-date educational information to users via a web site. Solution Content management software is a

Finding a sensible and sustainable way to provide web site visitors with fresh information is crucial. A mobile Guernsey, such as Minnie, is not a sensible way to distribute fresh milk. To be effective, educational projects need to find a sensible and sustainable method of disseminating fresh information to users. Educational projects have a wealth