Work with us

Join our efforts to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy through breaking down the barriers between people and computers. We all have a stake in ensuring that technology fulfills its promise, and we welcome your support in identifying, developing, and sharing innovative approaches and technologies that lead to the exchange of meaningful information.

There are a number of ways you can get involved with IDEA. From incorporating principles and practices in your own work, to sharing your time and expertise, to providing financial support, you can make a difference in our projects and programs. In the process, you’ll contribute to the groundswell of support for facilitating a greater understanding of our world.

From Ideals to Practice

Whether you’re a project manager or an educator, you can more dynamically and effectively disseminate information. Check out our Journal of Interaction Recipes for ideas and first steps. More »

If you’re an educator, a project director, or a content developer and have found a solution to an online learning obstacle, please share your recipe for success. More »

Contribute Your Time

Your time and expertise are invaluable in our work to enhance the ways people think, learn, and use technology, both within and outside of the realm of formal education. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities, at least one of which is sure to dovetail with your interests and skills. More »

One of IDEA’s most formidable resources is our cadre of supporters who are willing and eager to provide us with feedback about our online publications and technology tools. From the early stages of brainstorming, to prototyping and early beta testing, your feedback will help us better serve the public. More »

Your Financial Support

As a nonprofit organization, IDEA relies on generous contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations, and public agencies, all of whom donate money and time to support our theoretical and technological innovations for improving the ways people interact with online information. More »

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